Monday, December 12, 2011

Jackson Springs Park

This lab was a lot of fun. I got to learn a lot about Geology that I had never even thought about before, and it was nice to do some exploring. We visited Jackson Springs Park, and lovely little park in Macon that I had no idea even existed. It was a beautiful place and I can definitely see myself visiting the park again in the future. The primary purpose of this lab was to study Geology and Trees, but we also learned a little bit about the not-so-nice history of Macon. Jackson Springs is what remains of the historically white, wealthy area of Macon. The city was once heavily divided into three main areas, or neighborhoods. Jackson Springs was upper class, and there was another for middle class citizens, and another for the lower class citizens, which included primarily black people. The socioeconomic divisions of the city were actually manifested physically by the division into well known neighborhoods that were rarely ever crossed.

While at the park we studied various types of rocks and tried to find samples of them. Some of the types that we found were:






I really enjoyed this lab because I was able to learn how to identify various types of rocks and trees in nature on my own. We also found (and named) two baby frogs.

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